Select the relevant problem to see what type of evidence you need. Scroll to see more options.

Recent short-term physical illness, injury or mental health issue

Dated and signed letter from doctor, consultant, hospital, dentist counsellor or other external support service

Ambulance Documentation

Letter of support/explanation from a support service in the university

Long-term or chronic physical or mental health condition which has recently worsened, temporarily or permanently

Dated and signed letter from doctor, consultant, hospital, dentist counsellor or other external support service

Ambulance Documentation

Letter of support/explanation from a support serive in the university

A hospital appointment which cannot reasonably be rescheduled and which directly conflicts with a time-constrained coursework assessment

Letter from hospital confirming appointment date and time

An unexpected issue relating to pregnancy, maternity or paternity

Dated and signed letter from doctor, midwife, consultant, hospital or other external support service

Recent bereavement or serious illness of a person with whom/ the student has a close relationship or a responsibility of care

Dated and signed letter from doctor, consultant, hospital, dentist, counsellor or other external support service

Death certificate, public announcement, legal document or order of service as proof of bereavement

Recent breakdown in a long-term relationship

Dated and signed letter from external support service

Letter of support/explanation from a support service in the university or De Montfort Students’ Union

Emergencies involving dependents or caring responsibilities, including caring responsibilities for an adult family member/sibling

Email/letter from organised carers to confirm the breakdown in normal arrangements eg school, nursery, care home; email/letter from doctor, Social Services or carers’ charity

Being the victim of a crime, which is likely to have significant emotional impact

Crime reference number and crime report (if available)

Military conflict, natural disaster, major and exceptional travel disruptions or extreme weather conditions

Flight, rail or coach disruption summary for significant travel

Recent significant personal incident such as house fire, homelessness

Insurance letter

Letter from external support service

Appearance at court or jury service

Solicitor’s letter in relation to attendance at court as a witness,
defendant or plaintiff

Bail information or charge sheet

Jury service letter

Recent and exceptional financial difficulties beyond the student’s control

Bank letters, Student Finance England letters, council letters,
documentation from Citizens’ Advice Bureau for significant
financial issues

Support letter from the university or De Montfort Students’