Click on each tile to see how to complete it. Scroll to see more information.


Name – Your full name including your titleStudent ID Number – This is your P NumberProgramme – The name of the course that you are studyingDate of Request – The date the you are completing the form (You should gain permission to travel BEFORE you make arrangements to leave the country)Proposed date to leave the UK – The date that you are planning to leave the countryProposed date to return to return to the UK – The date that you are planning to arrive back on campus and start attending classes. If your circumstances change, and you are then unable to return by this date, you would need to ensure you contact your Programme Leader to discuss this. Failure to do so may result in withdrawal of sponsorship. The proposed length of time that you are away from campus will need to be relevant to the reasoning you give for the absence. If the length of time away is deemed excessive this could result in your request being rejected.If you are leaving the UK for more than four weeks then you will be required to have fortnightly catch up meetings with your tutors to ensure that you are up to date. This should be tracked, and monitored, using the Module Engagement Tracker on the Absence Request Form. you are asking to leave for more than four weeks then you will need to submit this with your Absence Request Form.Failure to attend fortnightly meetings could result in your permission to be away from University being withdrawn.


Give a brief description of why you need to leave DMU during your studies – This would be why you need to leave the country.


Please note that students on Full Time programmes are expected to remain at the University for all of their teaching, and we would strongly discourage students from missing classes. We do appreciate however, that in extreme circumstances, an absence will be necessary.


You will need to explain exactly why you need to leave the country, and why you are requesting to leave for the time period that you are. If you Programme Leader does not believe that the time period you are requesting is appropriate they may reject your request.


You should also provide third party evidence (for example, a hospital letter) of why you need to be away from campus. Requests submitted without evidence may not be accepted.


This is your signature (typed is acceptable) and the date you have completed the form. By signing this you are agreeing that all of the information you have included in your form is correct.


This section needs to be completed by the programme leader. 


You will need to send the form to the programme leader 


Dated and signed letter from doctor, consultant, hospital, dentist, counsellor or other external support service

Death certificate, public announcement, legal document or order of service as proof of bereavement


Dated and signed letter from external support service

Letter of support/explanation from a support service in the university or De Montfort Students’ Union


 You will also need to outline which modules you will be missing classes for during this time, and an explanation for each of them, as to how you will remain up to date on your studies. In order to plan this you should contact your Module Leaders, and ask them to sign the Absence Request form.


If you have any assessments (including presentations and exams) due during the period you will be away, you will still be expected to complete and submit these by the original deadline. You will need to include in your application any assessments (including presentations and exams) that take place during that period and how you are planning on completing them from your home country. If the presentation or exam needs to be completed from within the UK your request will be rejected.



Crime reference number and crime report (if available)