Academic Glossary

glossary of common terms:

Below you can find a glossary of common terms related to your studies. We highly encourage you to familiarize yourself with all of them.


Asynchronous session— An Asynchronous/ offline lecture means: There is NO face-to-face lecture and the lecture is/was pre-recorded and uploaded on your module DMU Replay folder.


Certificate / Diploma – Your certificate will be provided to you once you have graduated and confirms that you are a graduate of the University.


Course Reps—Course Reps are the vital link between staff and students at DMU on all things course related. They are current students who help us ensure you have a say by listening to your thoughts and ideas and feeding this back to try to make positive change.


Deferral – A deferral will allow you to submit an assignment, or complete an exam, at the next available assessment point. You can find more information here – ASK BAL – Deferrals – Business and Law Students (


Enhancement week—Normally there are no timetabled classes during Enhancement week, however, there will be a wide range of activities and events which support your academic, personal and professional development in Enhancement week.


Extension – An extension refers to a short-term postponement of a coursework deadline, up to a maximum of 14 days. You can find more information here – ASK BAL – Extensions – Business and Law Students (


Healthy DMU Hub—To support your health and wellbeing at DMU. The Healthy DMU Hub will provide you with quick access to booking appointments, activities and hints and tips about staying well.


Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) – HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report) transcript is an official and comprehensive document that provides a detailed record of your academic achievements during your time at the university. The HEAR transcript includes information such as your grades, awards, extracurricular activities, and other notable accomplishments. It serves as an official and recognized transcript that can be shared with employers, educational institutions, or other relevant entities.


Interruption / Leave of Absence – An interruption (or a leave of absence) allows you to pause your studies and return at a future entry point. For Undergraduate students this would be the following October. For Postgraduate students this may vary. You can find more information here – Taking a break from your studies (leave of absence) (


Module—International Students often call it modules a “Course”, “lesson”, or “Class”. You will be enrolled on a number of modules for your study at DMU. There are compulsory modules and optional modules. These distinct modules together form the programme of study leading to your Award. Each module has a code made up of letters and numbers and a title describing the module, and it will carry a particular number of credits.


Personal Tutor—An academic member of staff particularly responsible for getting to know you and supporting and monitoring your progress. Personal Tutors are available for advice on a wide range of issues beyond those related to course/s or programme/s; they will meet with you in timetabled Personal Tutor meetings and or one-to-one meetings by mutual arrangement. You can find who is your personal tutor from MyDMU-Personal Information tile.


Programme—Your major during your study at DMU. You should be able to find your programme handbook and relevant programme introduction in your Learning Zone.


Resit/Reassessment—Take (an examination, an essay, a written report or presentation) again after failing it. Resit marks are capped at the pass mark of 40 per cent for undergraduate modules or 50 per cent for postgraduate modules.


Termination / Withdrawal – A termination of your studies means that you are formally withdrawing from the University and will not be returning to your studies. You can find more information here – Leaving your course (withdrawing) (


Transcript / Diploma Supplement – A transcript can be purchased once you have graduated from the University and includes the grades you achieved while you were a DMU student.

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