My Marks

official marks:

The official results will be released on the following dates:


  • Undergraduate – Pending
  • Postgraduate – Pending 

You can access your results using the ‘My Results’ tile on your MyDMU dashboard. My Results and Progression quick start guide v1.4 ( 


Please refer to MyDMU –> My Results –> Personalized Advice. 


For Block 1 & 2 we will update this page with the official submission deadlines closer to the date which will be in March 2025 Please keep checking regularly. 

tips & advice:

Please see: Results day support ( for hints and tips to help guide you over the next few weeks, no matter what your academic outcomes might be.



If you have any questions about your results, please contact your Student advice centres ( If you have technical issues accessing the tile, please contact the ITMS – Service desk (

official results:

The dates of the official results release can vary. When the dates of your official results are confirmed we will update the “Official Marks” section on the top of this page. 


The official results are published after they have been moderated. This normally happens in September, November, February / March and July. It’s best to keep an eye on Marks section on our website which we will update once the official results release day is confirmed.


It’s important to know how to read and understand your MyResults section on MyDMU – My Results and Progression quick start guide v1.4 (


Although we wouldn’t be able to provide you with your predicted grades, we would be able to print a module list for you to apply for a postgraduate studies and/or organization.


You can also use your HEAR transcript from the previous years (if you are an undegraduate student) to apply for a postgraduate degree and/or organization.  Please login to Digitary Core to view your HEAR transcript. If you don’t know how to login to get your HEAR please refer to Transcript section on the left side. 


You can use the module list to provide to your employer if needed.


To obtain your module list please contact us. Go to the contacts page to see our contact details.

Unfortunately, we wouldn’t be able to provide you with this type of letter. 


If you finished your current year or degree and require a transcript please refer to the Transcripts section from the FAQ menu. 

Unfortunately, we can’t provide you with an individual standalone letter stating your GPA. You can see your overall mark (which is your GPA) on the HEAR transcript under “overall classification”. You can use your HEAR transcript if you need it to provide it to the university and/or organization. 


Why can’t we provide a separate document? This is because we are prohibited from providing documents that are separate to official documents such as a HEAR transcript. Everything on the official documents is final. 


We can however confirm that your grade on the HEAR report is official and final via an email to the university and/or organization. You can ask the university and/ organization to get in touch directly with us. 


Apologies for any inconvenience. As an institution and a university, we need to follow regulations, procedures and policies to be fair and reliable to all of our students and members of staff. 


Please refer to the Transcripts section from the FAQ menu to see all details about transcripts and when you can request for it. 

If you are unable to see your marks on the Learning Zone, please follow these steps before reaching out to your lecturer or module leader:


  1. Submission Confirmation: Ensure that your work was submitted successfully. Check for a submission link and a receipt in your university email.

  2. Using a Phone:

    • Refresh the page.
    • Log out and log in again.
    • If the issue persists, switch to a computer or laptop.
  3. Using a Computer or Laptop:

    • Delete all cookies.
    • Log out and then log in again.
    • Try using a different browser.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, please contact your module leader for further assistance. Please make sure you contact just person at a time and allow up to 3 – 5 working days for a lecturer and/or module leader to respond. 


Provisional marks go through assessment boards where they are finalized and then published officially on MyDMU.  


If you want to know when your official results are going to be be available go to My Marks  – My Marks – ASK BAL De Montfort University (

The dates of the official results release can vary.


If you want to know when your official results are going to be be available go to My Marks  – My Marks – ASK BAL De Montfort University (


The official results are published after they have been moderated. This normally happens in September, November, February / March and July. It’s best to keep an eye on Marks section on our website which we will update once the official results release day is confirmed. 

All marks on the learning zone are provisional.


If you want to enquire about your provisional marks please refer to the  learning zone and/or contact your lecturers and module leaders. Provisional marks are the ones you can see on the learning zone and are published by lecturers around 15 working days after the submission deadline.


Please make sure you contact just person at a time and allow up to 3 – 5 working days for a lecturer and/or module leader to respond. 

Your provisional marks are released by your lecturer around 3 weeks after the submission deadline. It’s best to check the learning zone and / or contact your lecturer if you can’t see them yet. Please make sure you contact just person at a time and allow up to 3 – 5 working days for a lecturer and/or module leader to respond. 


The official results are released in July. Please see when your results are going to be released – My Marks – ASK BAL De Montfort University (


All information about your re-sits such as deadlines(re-sitting your assignments and/ or examinations) will be available in your progression advice which will be published with your official results. The submission links for assignments will be available on the learning zone. If you have any questions about the assignment / exam / module, please contact a relevant lecturer and /or module leader. 


You can access your results using the ‘My Results’ tile on your MyDMU dashboard. My Results and Progression quick start guide v1.4 (


If your official results are published in July, all re-sits take place in August.


If you are a finishing your studies, after the official results day we will be able to produce the following:

  • Your HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report) on Digitary Core (around a week after results day)
  • Official Transcript
  • Certificate which will be given to you during your graduation (you can’t request this earlier)

Student Assignment and Mark lifecycle: 


1.Student Submits the assignment / takes the exam 

2.Lecturer marks the assignment / exam and makes the provisional results available to all students after 15 working days (or 3 weeks) from submission. At this stage your results are provisional and are might be subject to change during the assessment board.

3.The assessment board takes places where they are finalized and then published officially on MyDMU. Finalized mark are in most cases almost always the same as your provisional mark, but can vary within 0 –  5% or more depending on different factors.

4.If the student fails a piece of work, they are eligible for a re-sit (master’s student can re-sit once, undergraduate student twice). All information regarding re-sits is made available to students on the official results day. Go to MyDMU —> MyResults —> Click on the top box and this should take you to the progression advice. The deadline/s and other details will be available on the progression advice and the learning zone. If you have any questions about the assignment / exam / module, please contact a relevant lecturer and /or module leader. If you don’t have any re-sits you will have a “Congratulations” message displayed instead –  How to Read Your Results & Progression Advice.

If you passed your module, you won’t be able to retake them to improve your mark, but you can apply for an appeal. If you disagree with your mark and feel that your mark/s should be different, you would be welcome to submit an appeal through the academic support office –  Appeals ( You would need to do this within 15 working days of the official results being made available to you. 

The results are officially published after they have been moderated. This normally happens in November, March and July. The upcoming official results are going to be published in July. Please see when your results are going to be released – My Marks – ASK BAL De Montfort University (

The official results will not appear on MyDMU if they are not officially published. Your provisional results (i.e., your marks) should be available to you on the learning zone at all times after they have been marked. 


If the official results have been released and if you are unable to see them on MyDMU, please follow these steps before reaching out to us:


Using a Phone:

  1. Log out and log back in.
  2. Close the app completely and then reopen it.
  3. If the issue persists, delete the application, reinstall it, and log back in.

Using a Laptop or PC:

  1. Log out of MyDMU.
  2. Delete cookies and search history.
  3. Log back in.
  4. Try using a different browser.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, please get in touch with us. Our contact details can be found on the “Contact” page.

We wouldn’t be able to confirm that you completed your studies before the official results release.


If you require a transcript which is a document that shows all of your results including your current year you will need to wait for your official results. We will not be able to provide you with your transcript until after your official results have been released. The official results are released in July. Please see when your results are going to be released – My Marks – ASK BAL De Montfort University (


If you need a document that proves your enrolment on you can use one of the options below instead:


1.We can provide you with a module list which shows all of your modules taken at the university (this doesn’t show any marks for the current year).


2.You can get a course completion letter which will confirm that you finished your studies. 


3.You can use your HEAR transcript (Higher Education Achievement Report) report on Digitary Core from your 1st and 2nd year if you are an undergraduate student (please guidance below how to access HEAR).  We wouldn’t be able to give you your final year HEAR before the official results release.


Course completion letters are issues by the immigration and compliance team. To get the course completion letter please click here –  Request for course completion letter (


If you have any questions or you haven’t received a response within 5 working days, please contact the immigration and compliance team. Although all departments at the university aim to respond within 5 workings days, this might take longer depending on our workload.


Contact details:

Phone Number: 0116 207 8780



If your official results have been released, you can request for a transcript. Please see the Guidance on how to get the transcript in the Transcript section of the FAQs menu. 

If you fail an assignment, exam, or module, you might have the opportunity to re-sit depending on the amount of re-sits you have used.  To see if you are eligible for a re-sit please refer to “Am I eligible for a re-sit?” below. 

Block Teaching Students: 


Postgraduate (Master’s) – allowed for two re-sits on each module
Undergraduate (Bachelor’s)  – allowed for two re-sits on each module


Non-Block Teaching Students: 


Postgraduate (Master’s) – allowed for just one re-sit on each module 

Undergraduate (Bachelor’s)  – allowed up to 60 credits worth of re-sits. This is four 15 credit modules or two 30 credit modules


Please refer to the “Other” tab in the FAQs menu if you don’t know if you are on a non-block or block teaching. 

All information about your re-sits (re-sitting your assignments and/ or examinations) will be available in your progression advice which will be published with your official results. Please see when your results are going to be released – My Marks – ASK BAL De Montfort University ( All re-sits information such as  the deadline/s and other details will be available on the progression advice (and the learning zone when your progression advice becomes available, no earlier than that). If you have any questions about the assignment / exam / module, please contact a relevant lecturer and /or module leader.


How to view the re-sits?


Please go to MyDMU —> My Results –> now you should see your course and in the progression advice box you will be able to see either “Congratulations” or “View Personalized Details”. If you see “Congratulations” or “Progress”  that means you don’t have any re-sits. If you see “View Personalized Details” please click on the box and this will take you to the page where you can see all the re-sits you have to take. This is called progression advice. 

If your marks are released in July, all the re-sits will take place in August and you will not be able to do them earlier. This also means that your official results for your re-sits will be released at a later stage, and you won’t be able to graduate in September. You will be graduating in the winter the following year – January or February 2025. 


If you’ve received / will receive a certificate / diploma and you want to update it to a bachelor’s degree / master’s degree,you have the opportunity to do so through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or a top-up process.


If you’ve received a postgraduate diploma and wish to upgrade to a master’s degree, you have the opportunity to do so through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or a top-up process.


The RPL Process:

  1. Waiting Period: You will need to wait for a minimum of 24 months (for undergraduate students) and 12 months (for postgraduate students).  
  2. RPL Application: To initiate the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process, submit your application on the following website: Academic regulations and recognition of prior learning ( This has to be sent to the admissions team –  
  3. Module Retake: As part of the RPL process, you will be required to redo only the subjects you did not pass previously. Successfully passing these modules will accumulate the necessary credits for a bachelor’s degree (360 credits) master’s degree (180 credits).  

Please Note: You can start applying after 24 months (for undergraduate students)

Please Note: You can start applying after 12 months (for postgraduate students)

Non-Block Teaching Students: 


Postgraduate (Master’s) – allowed for just one re-sit on each module 


Undergraduate (Bachelor’s)  – allowed up to 60 credits worth of re-sits. This is four 15 credit modules or two 30 credit modules. 


Please refer to the “Other” tab in the FAQs menu if you don’t know if you are on a non-block or block teaching. 


We understand that facing a failed re-sit can be challenging. If you are a master’s student typically, there isn’t a second opportunity for re-sits as per regulations – Academic regulations and recognition of prior learning ( However, there are exceptional cases where a second re-sit may be considered, especially in extenuating and serious circumstances.


If you have such circumstances, please email us explaining what has affected you and we will look into. Attach any relevant evidence in your email, such as medical records. 


For information on what qualifies as difficult circumstances, refer to the Difficult Circumstances section in the FAQs. Please note that these circumstances must have directly affected your ability to perform well in your studies. If they don’t affect your studies directly, we won’t consider those. Please note that we will always ask for evidence. Please note we can’t guarantee that your request will be considered even if your circumstances affected your studies as we don’t make that decision. The decision for majority of the time will be made by Associate Professor for Student Experience and/or Associate Dean Academic as well as other senior member of staff. 


If you didn’t have any extenuating circumstances your only options can be found below:


1. Academic appeal – If you disagree with your mark and feel that your mark/s  should be different, you would be welcome to submit an appeal through the academic support office – Appeals ( You would need to do this within 15 working days of the official results being made available to you.


2.If will / have received a certificate or a PG Diploma and wish to upgrade to a master’s degree, you have the opportunity to do so through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or a top-up process.


If will / have received a certificate / diploma and you want to update it to a bachelor’s degree, you have the opportunity to do so through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or a top-up process.


The RPL Process:

  1. Waiting Period: You will need to wait for a minimum of 24 months (for undergraduate students) and 12 months (for postgraduate students).  
  2. RPL Application: To initiate the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process, submit your application on the following website: Academic regulations and recognition of prior learning ( This has to be sent to the admissions team –  
  3. Module Retake: As part of the RPL process, you will be required to redo only the subjects you did not pass previously. Successfully passing these modules will accumulate the necessary credits for a bachelor’s degree (360 credits) master’s degree (180 credits).  


Please Note: You can start applying after 24 months (for undergraduate students)

Please Note: You can start applying after 12 months (for postgraduate students)

We would take your average percentage across your final year, and if this is in the highest band you would be eligible for the consideration band.


So if, for example, you achieved an overall mark of 68%, but your final year marks were:


  • Module 1 – 40%
  • Module 2 – 90%
  • Module 3 – 90%
  • Module 4 – 90%

Average over the final year – 77%


The average mark would be within the next classification band, so we would award you the higher grade.


Please see the breakdown below:


1.Final Year Average: 


You took four modules in your final year and got these grades: 


  • Module 1: 40%
  • Module 2: 90%
  • Module 3: 90%
  • Module 4: 90% 


To find your average grade for the final year, we add all these percentages together and then divide by the number of modules. So:


2.Checking for Higher Classification: 


Your overall average mark across all years of study is 68%.
We use classification bands to determine your degree classification (like First Class, Second Class, etc.). For example: 

  • First Class: 70% and above
  • Upper Second Class (2:1): 60% – 69%
  • Lower Second Class (2:2): 50% – 59%
  • Third Class: 40% – 49% 

3.Eligibility for a Higher Grade: 


  • If your final year average (77%) falls into a higher band than your overall average (68%), you can be considered for that higher classification.
  • In your case, 77% falls into the First Class band, which is higher than your overall average band (Upper Second Class).
  • So, even though your overall average is 68% (Upper Second Class), because your final year average is 77% (First Class), the university can consider awarding you a First Class degree. 

In short, your final year average of 77% is high enough to push you into the First Class band, which means you could get a First Class degree even if your overall average is a bit lower.

You can submit your assignment online, but you can’t take your exams online unless it’s an online test. If your re-sit is on campus you have to attend your re-sit on campus and can’t submit your exam online in any form.


If you have extenuating circumstances such as a medical condition please contact us and we will discuss your options, however we can’t guarantee that you will be allowed to take your re-sit online.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about how we can support you.

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