New Students


Induction Schedule will be available on this page by mid September 2024. Please come back here to check.

Induction – for new students is a comprehensive orientation process designed to help them transition smoothly into their new educational environment. This process typically includes a variety of activities, resources, and support services aimed at familiarizing students with the institution, its culture, and the academic and social opportunities available. 



How to read your results – reading and understanding your academic results is a crucial part of your educational journey. This section will guide you through the process of interpreting your results, understanding what they mean, and knowing what steps to take next based on your performance.



Academic Regulations – Knowing and understanding academic regulations is crucial for every student as they provide the framework and guidelines for your educational journey. Academic regulations cover a wide range of policies and procedures that govern your academic life, ensuring fairness, integrity, and a smooth operation within the institution

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about how we can support you.